Law no. 2/2018, of the 5th July, extends the access to citizenship of origin and to the naturalization of the persons born in Portugal.
The most relevant amendments are the following:
I. Citizenship of origin
With the new amendment, persons born in Portugal, that do not declare not wanting to be Portuguese, are considered as citizens of origin, as long as, in the moment of birth, one of the parents legally resides in Portugal for at least 2 years.
II. Acquisition of citizenship by naturalization
The government may grant Portuguese nationality by naturalization to those that, among other requirements, legally reside in Portugal for at least 5 years.
Moreover, naturalization of children is possible if one of the parents has residence in Portugal (regardless of permit), for at least 5 years prior to the request;
It is also possible to request naturalization for ascendants of Portuguese citizens by origin.